

News From the Front

Caught two more views on homelessness within the past few days. The first was an article that ran in the News & Record (there's that name again). Seems a lot of places that treat the mentally ill have no place to put those patients that are homeless, so these unfortunates end up dumped back onto the street, thus perpetuating the cycle and feeding the stereotypes. That article appears in the Tuesday, February 21 edition of the paper (tried to link to it from here, but it doesn't appear on N&R's website.)

The other appeared in Yes! Weekly this week. I like Yes! It's a refreshing counterpoint to the relentless right-wing drivel the Rhino Times spews forth every Thursday (no, I'm not going to link to it; JFK and FDR would get up out of their graves and come for me if I did). Anyway, Yes's homeless article is here. If it disappears from their site, you can read it in the February 20 week edition in hardcopy archives.

A search on News & Record's site will pull up previous articles they've done on the homeless, but there's a charge to pull them up and print them out. Of course, you can always go through the archives at the library once you've gotten the article dates.

wow, this story is incredible. i really hope that your words get out to more people and can get something done. by the way, have you ever considered a career in journalism or writing? you should. i wish i could help you out, but alas, i am a poor twenty something from hickory.
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